Innovating the future of food delivery...

Simon Baden

Consultant specialising in IoT technologies for Logistics, Asset Management, Waste & Smart Buildings

Simon Baden

Consultant specialising in IoT technologies for Logistics, Asset Management, Waste & Smart Buildings


Simon is a Business Consultant assisting company’s wishing to prepare their organisation for Business 4.0 often described as a “connected business operation.” He’s spent more than 30 years working in diverse industry sectors across the globe developing markets and introducing new technologies. He’s been the leading force in many product development teams by building solutions that add bottom line revenues and minimise waste to enable his clients to become more sustainable reducing their environmental impact. Sometimes he’s been described as a visionary or ahead of the curve and with waste plastics some 12 years ahead of “Blue Planet” which was is often described as the catalyst in awakening the public and international Governments that serious change is required to reduce the environmental damage now being experienced.

In 2016 Simon moved into the arena of IoT (Internet of Things) which enables organisations to obtain data to analyse their everyday operations to drive efficiencies up and costs down by removing out dated working practices.
Simon is currently working with a number of UK, European and Middle Eastern organisations that are striving to drive down operational costs, reduce food waste and increase bottom line profit by adding value to the supply chain and offer a better solution that what is currently used.

IoT is often described as a “disruptor technology” and many industries don’t like change but unless these businesses evolve by using software/hardware/Data/Analytics that is becoming available they may not survive.
Simon is an independent selector of the right information platform and hardware solution that is selected for a specific application and operational demand there is unfortunately “no one shoe fits all” like many others may tend to promote when offering their IoT solution.

All sessions by Simon Baden